Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Boys and their Toys

When we had our first child, Victoria, people said boys are different. To which I said all children are different. However as I now have three delightful girls, I totally agree girls are different to boys.

This rather amusing incident (for those who are not the parents) is the above two x-rays. They show to different boys swallowing multiple magnets! "A" slide is from a 9 year old who swallowed 23 magnets! and "B" is a developmentally impaired 13 year old swallowed 15 magnets.

They were successful operated for magnet removal. Apparently ingestion of metals is ok because they pass on through. However as magnets stick togeather, they can damage tissue on the way through. I think that "A" traces out the pattern of his small intestine.

They look very much like the magnets that my girls (and I) like play and build with.

Source: New England Journal of Medicine article.

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